About Us

Centralize Ordering

As with all areas of customer relations at V&L, ordering is designed to be simple, quick and convenient.

Ordering from V&L simplifies the acquisitions process by providing clients a single source from which to order, follow-up, and inquire for all their orders. There are no obligations or minimum order requirements – you may order whenever you like, as much as you like.

How To Order

There are no complicated set-up procedures; clients can simply place an order or inquire by any method that is most convenient – phone, fax, e-mail, or post. Institutions can be invoiced (net 30 days) with a purchase order or provide a credit card number (MasterCard or VISA). Prepayments by cheque are also accepted.

Credit/Corporate Purchasing Cards

V&L also accepts MasterCard and VISA credit card orders from individuals within an organization. This allows the entire organization to take advantage of V&L’s one-stop convenience and Corporate-discount pricing, while allowing individuals, departments and branches to do their own ordering directly from a central source. They may order with their Credit or Corporate Purchasing Card or be invoiced on their Company account.

V&L can provide account reporting to the individual directly or to a central department. We can even easily notify clients of any titles previously ordered by individuals of the Company (along with full order details) to prevent duplication of orders and facilitate resource sharing if required. Individuals only need to notify us that they are an associated individual of the Company to receive the corporate discounts.

When Ordering

To ensure that any appropriate discounts are applied, clients should note their Customer Number with all orders. After their account has been established buyers only need to quote their Customer Number for quick and easy express ordering.

Although V&L sources/researches titles, providing any additional information at the time of ordering such as ISBN, year/edition, author, and/or publisher will aid in further speeding delivery of the order, there is no extra charge for drop-shipping.

As standard practice, V&L does not cancel any backorders unless requested by the client. Clients may specify a pre-set cancellation date for any specific order or as a preference for all orders.

Unless informed otherwise, V&L’s standard procedure is to enter shipping and billing addresses as the same. If required, clients should specify separate billing and shipping addresses at the time of their order, there is no extra charge for drop-shipping.

As most clients require their orders as soon as possible, V&L’s standard procedure is to ship items as they are received. Batch or consolidated shipping of orders can be specified by clients at the time of their order or as a preference for all orders on their account.

Standing Orders. Serials and Continuations

V&L also maintains Standing Orders, Serials, and Continuations. Clients only need to indicate the title’s frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.), renewal date, and the term length (how many renewals they would like). Customer Service will contact them at the time of each renewal to confirm that the item is still required.